It has been 5 months since I've left Oklahoma city, my family, the lady I love... loved. It has been five months since I left everything i know, packed up my car(light speed vehicle)and came to LA LA Land the place where dreams come true( and other cliche bullshit), but i came out here to learn and get better at "my craft" then bounce the fuck out something i forget from time to time.
Within two weeks of being here I had a dream which took place in a white futuristic modern home type dwelling with massive windows on all sides which was located in the desert (don't know which desert or if it was even on earth but it felt so real, more real than some of the interactions i've had in life... but what is real?) , It was my friend James, myself and this woman with caramel skin with long dark hair and i can not remember if she was naked or not(but it did not matter). In the dream I remember following her out into the desert as some sort of sand storm was happening,and there were these orbs or portals emitting this bright light of blues with hints of purple (words can not describe how beautiful it was, almost like the purples and blues i saw my first DMT experience). She turned to me and kissed me on the lips and said, "it's like they're trying to steal our souls." at that point in time I felt my heart sink and i woke up in a panic, like what the fuck! I have to go to the Desert as soon as possible and get the fuck out of hollywood...
Walking into the desert with the Holy Trinity of Psychedelics has been something on my mind for awhile i could say, we all have our paths, maybe mind is to be deprived of my sanity for the Nth time the to come back and create something the world has never seen... but it has, we have just forgotten. I do not know if this makes sense and I don't really give a fuck if it does... But I went to the desert, without shrooms, dmt, or lsd, and i found something. Next time i go back something is coming with me. I'll write about The Death Valley adventure in a few days time.
sidenote: City of Angels, i can say I have seen Two Angels, one i see a bit, it is when you look to see the best in people you see the beings of light they truly are.. some are still piles of steaming shit, but that is for them to fix. or it could be what frequency am i tuning into to? Are you free to move as you please through this thing called life? If not, why?