Maker's Mark and A Laptop

Maker’s Mark and a Laptop…

Currently, I’m in Victorville, gazing at this laptop, listening to a movie as i debate on if I should sip this whiskey, Maker's Mark. It’s really not a debate. For i know i will drink it and the pour myself a little more. Oh How i use to love me some whiskey. When i say use to i mean, i still do i just have a little more self control. Nowadays it’s mostly WIne of the red variety that tickles my sack. A month or two back i went to a comedy show which was at a house in the hills, i was greeted by a beautiful woman with dark hair whose bangs ran perfectly across her forehead after the greeting and small talk she offered me some scotch, at first i turned it down. Then i looked at the view and thought “well nigga… when in rome you drink scotch and watch the sun set” So i did. It was a foray back to the whiskey days. The days of Let me get a mustache tattooed on my middle finger cause i am a fucking Gentleman. So when i give you the finger you can see that it was from a classy fellow. Far from that i am now, or am i? As i sip the whiskey. What story would you like to hear next, i have many. Don’t we all though. 

I could speak of the last time i did LSD in OKC with my Boy Phil, I could write about the last time i did DMT in the Wichita Wildlife Preserve or the first time. I could talk about the Whiskey and Coke days. Those were some dark days, filled with cocaine, late nights, random ladies. You know the shit that some would consider fun. I mean sure it was fun to a point but when you start doing lines and passing out, or when you see the sun come up so many times in the non-fun way, you have to have that moment with yourself when you’re like “c’mon son what the fuck am i doing?” some people never ask themselves that. Oh The Next story is up to you… that is if i do not have to drive back to Oklahoma to get all my identification, cause my incredibly smart ass left my wallet at the cinema and they can’t seem to find it. So tomorrow i find out, also can you tell I've been sipping whiskey?


October 2nd

The choices are

Candy Flipping the night Anderson Silva got knocked out

Shrooms and Shotguns

A summer of love and complete Freedom

DMT for the first time

DMT the Last Time

The Incredibly Open minded folks of LA (ha note that open minded)

Whiskey & Coke

Shrooms and Shot Guns

Love(fuck you if you pick this)

Just know i’m gonna do whatever the fuck i want. I just don’t want to end up back in oklahoma just yet, although there is a documentary to be made. But I have shit to do out here. I hope they find the wallet.

I woke up, as stories often forget to add. I woke up and decided i am done being broke. I was to jump out of a plane this weekend but it was more than i had, i mean i could’ve did the Tandem jump, but i refuse to jump out of plane with a dude strapped to my back. I signed up to take the class and now it’ll have to wait. I remember being back in Oklahoma City and on LSD with my friend Parsons. We were at a bar with some people and as i was walking through it it was like walking back through time it was almost like being in medieval times but not quite, i walked through just examining everything and feeling the energy of the place. With each step i was looking back hundreds of years the progressing to the future. I even remember the bartender upstairs of the establishment which at the time was Pink Cadillac now it’s pink parrot but to me it will always be known as pink cadillac. But the bartender upstairs, bro! She had long dark hair, a natural chest that would make the rockies jealous and these green eyes that well they didn’t look through me but damn. I would have like to have known her, but i had shit to do. I also have shit to do.

Parsons and i left the bar and the walk proceeded as i talked about life in a way i often do but never do. We came to the canal… OKC’s version of the river walk which is in San Antonio. And I looked at the water and it almost looked as if it could be well… that’s for me. I said to Parson’s “I am a _________  dollar industry” the question is do i still feel that same way? the answer is yes and no… but again. I am sick of being broke. Do i honestly give a fuck about money like that? Again the answer is yes and no. Fuck You Money so i can create what i need to create and if only you could see it what is in my head, but that party is for me and me only until i decide to share. But this is where i leave you that bottle of makers is calling my name. The Tower awaits… until next time, and pick what story you want to read.
